On today’s show, I want to share some wisdom about overcoming barriers to healthy eating. Making time, learning new recipes, and other strategies can be crucial for reaching our familial goals while cooking efficiently and budget-friendly. As we talk about the 5 main barriers to healthy eating, we can learn to accommodate all the different wants and needs of our families.
Get full show notes and more information here: https://jillcastle.com/091
On today’s show, I’m talking to Catherine Pearlman, a clinical social worker and author of a wonderful book, Ignore It! We talk about how children view rewards (both positive and negative, material and non-material) and the structures behind habit formation. By ignoring the ways children test the boundaries of what is allowed or will be rewarded, you can see remarkable positive behavior shifts in your kids.
Get full show notes and more information here: https://jillcastle.com/090
On today’s show, we are talking with Lisa Leake, a mother, blogger, and author who has a new cookbook about eating healthier on a budget. She has been feeding her family on a more health-conscious and budget-friendly diet and it has made a massive difference for their lives. She is on the podcast to share some of her strategies for motivating your family to eat less processed foods while not breaking the bank.
Get full show notes and more information here: https://jillcastle.com/089