If you find yourself cooking multiple meals, or fighting a daily battle with your child to eat something other than hot dogs, then this episode is for you! Today, I had the chance to chat with my friend Dr. Natalie Muth. Through her philanthropy, healthy weight clinic, and her own pediatric practice, Dr. Muth merges together her extensive knowledge of nutrition and medicine to encourage parents and children to have a healthy relationship with food.
Get full show notes and more information here: https://jillcastle.com/043
To make the best decision for your family, you need to understand milk nutrition. Especially for families with younger children, it is essential to know your alternative nutrition so you can ensure the rest of your child's diet compensates for the protein and calcium deficits. It's time to make an informed decision that upholds your child’s nutritional needs and personal preferences.
Get full show notes and more information here: https://jillcastle.com/042