Kate Scarlata, RD joins me on The Nourished Child podcast to talk about the Low FODMAPS diet for kids. We dish on what this diet is, who it’s for (and for whom it isn’t), and the best ways to manage Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS, in children. Kate is a registered dietitian, mom, runner, author and low FODMAP diet educator. She’s on a mission to spread global awareness of the low FODMAP diet for those who suffer with functional gut disorders.
Get full show notes and more information here: https://jillcastle.com/030
Are there foods that are off-limits in your home? Foods you won’t allow your child to eat? Foods you consider unhealthy, toxic, or “bad” for your child? Today I’m talking about food restriction – the controlling feeding practice parents may use to encourage healthier eating–and forbidden foods—those foods that are high-fat, high-sugar, relatively low-nutrient foods such as sweets, chips and sodas. How you handle those foods you consider taboo for your child to eat? Do you forbid or restrict them?
Get full show notes and more information here: https://jillcastle.com/029